Awaking the Divine Revolution: Whispers of God

An in-depth discussion and talk of the almighty question of who is God?
Why after so many centuries we are still divided and more importantly is there answer to our pain and suffering.
Go on a roller coaster journey of emotions, tears, laughter and maybe the odd dance!
I have been asked many times by my clients how do I pray correctly to God and how to get prayers answered.
My own journey started over 30 years ago, when I was knocked over by a car and soul left my body. The sensation of leaving my body and seeing my guardian angel through the tunnel of light.
The feeling of complete peace and awe! To connect to the Divine consciousness we call God.
I felt true love and no pain. Learning Divine secrets from the light guardians and having a glimpse of what we call Heaven.
Knowing paradise is real!
Understanding the afterlife is real and we are not alone!
The worse thing for me was to return back to my body after being told by my guardian angel it is not my time and I have a deeper purpose to fulfill on earth.
Since my experience I have a powerful psychic connection to the Divine. I have been a natural healer and have a strong ability to astral travel to other dimensions.
This is the first time in over 30 years I am going to reveal my secrets in public:
•Discover how to pray correctly to God,
•Learn the secret words of God
•How to connect to the Divine consciousness
•Understand why God did not want you to age and die
•The Causes of Disease
•Higher Spiritual Laws
•How to reverse Karma
•Nothing is impossible with God on your side
•Rejuvenation of Liver and lung disorders
•How to Become a Spiritual Healer
•How to reverse the ageing process.
•Understand why our Inner earth is real
•Understand why God does want you to be rich
•What is your true path in life?
•Summoning Your Guardian Angel to Appear
•Overcoming Any Phobia
•Learn how to increase Telekinetic Abilities
•Healing a sick person
•Asking God to protect you and your family
•Why it is not wrong to ask God to punish those who hurt you.
•How to heal yourself of illness & disease
•How to ward off the evil eye
•How to reach higher states of consciousness
•Plus many more!
Mitesh is an Angelic practitioner with over 28 years’ experience and by connecting you with the Angelic Realm and he gives us guidance with our day to day lives.
Includes Free Refreshments .
Plus you get a Free Powerful Holy Amulet for protection on the day!
For more information and dates and times contact:
Divine Angelic Reiki Healing :07535424399/ 0116 366 8037
Terms and conditions:
All payments including deposits are non-refundable
Payments must be made in full before attending the course.